Category: Uncategorized

Claiming Survivor’s Benefits

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Survivor’s information on how to claim your spouse’s benefits…Social SecurityIf the deceased had paid into Social Security for at least 40 quarters, two types of benefits arepossible:1. Death benefit: $255 for burial expenses is available to eligible spouses or dependentchildren.…

8 Things You Should Know About Debt!

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1. Americans and their credit card debt. The average American household with at least one credit card has nearly $8,000 in credit card debt, according to USA Today and the average interest rate runs in the mid- to high Twenties,…

Behind In Savings? What Are You Going To Do About It?!

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Did you know that 71% of Baby Boomers admit to being behind in saving for retirement? 64% of Generation X only have 10% of their target saved! Worse than that, there are millions of others who don’t even know where…

Plan For A Secure Retirement.

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Financial revelations, during the past 10 years, have shown millions of senior citizens that theirhopes of a secure retirement have lessened. Most seniors are now living longer in retirementyears, and are being forced to live on less retirement income. Despite…

What Can I Get From A Reverse Mortgage?

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A lot of older Americans are converting the equity in their homes into cash, by using a type of loan called a reverse mortgage. The money from a reverse mortgage can provide seniors with the financial freedom they need to…

The Great Terror – Running Out Of Retirement Assets

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It makes no difference whether you retire at 65 or 75 years old, for most elderly – except the very best off – a serious concern that most have is whether or not they will outlive their income and assets.…

Leaving Memories, Not A Mess

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Over the next 50 years, an estimated $45 trillion is expected to pass through estates toheirs and charities, the largest transfer of wealth in history. That alone justifies theimportance of having estate documents in place, such as a will, powers…

Making The Most Out Of Your Retirement!

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For most senior citizens starting retirement, one of their primary concerns is whether they will outlive their assets and income. Even with what appears to be an adequate nest egg, most retiree’s concerns are legitimate considering all the variables that…

Myths & Half Truths Exposed

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Until you go through it, you just don’t know how emotionally and financially devastating it is to put a loved one into a nursing home. Couple this with the fact that the 100+ community is the largest growing segment in…